Chorégraphie Maria-Donata D’Urso
Dispositif interactive Wolf Ka
Artistes chorégraphiques M.D. D’Urso, Suzon Holzer, Anne Laurent, Bumpei Kumimoto
Création Lumière Sylvie Garot
Création sonore Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch assisté de Dionysos Papanicolaou
Fabrication numérique et impression 3D L’ENSCI,La Nouvelle Fabrique, Volumes
Création 10 mars 2017 au Centre des Arts Enghien-Les-Bains
Partenaires Centre des Arts, le CNDC d’Angers, l’ENSCI/programme Made@eu, Micadanses, CND -Pantin, Echangeur CDC Picardie, Drac Ile-de-France, DICRéAM
Production DisOrienta
The frontier between in-form (information, knowledge, conception) and form (object, body, mater) are blurring. Its less and less evident to differentiate the physical and algorithmic world, le living and artificial. It is art’s task to propose new approaches to those contemporary interferences, to challenge traditional roles, to reject the hegemonic notion of power and its established models of seeing.
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